Language representation of subjects in the social work terminology (based on the novel “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens)

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2024. Volume 9. No. 4. pp. 157-164.


Zhigunova Zh. G.
Omsk State Technical University
11 Mira ave, 644050 Omsk, Russia
Kosterina Yu. E.*
Omsk State Technical University
11 Mira ave, 644050 Omsk, Russia


The article deals with the English terminology of social work within the framework of everyday knowledge. The peculiarities of the language representation of the lexical group “officials providing social assistance to the poor” are considered based on the novel “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens. The analysis of the social and historical context of the epoch described in the novel allowed us to identify some features in the development of the social work terminology and to discover some issues of its terminological units functioning. The study also made it possible to clarify the lexical meaning of the word beadle. It is established that the proper name of the character was used as the basis for a new common noun.


  • term
  • term system
  • terminology of social work
  • Oliver Twist
  • Charles Dickens