Many year variability of the maximal drain of the rivers of Bashkir Zauralya

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2018. Volume 3. No. 6. pp. 638-643.


Fathutdinova R. Sh.*
Bashkir State University
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450074 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The temporal dynamics of the maximal drain of Bashkir Zauralya rivers is considered in the paper. The graphs of the cyclical fluctuations of studed factors in the many year slit are complited by method of three-year moving. The temporal phases of the maximal and minimal values with respect to considered figure are collected. The phase observed in the present time - return to minimal values of variable is noted. It is identified that the similar tendention-trend for all considered territory.


  • Bashkir Zauralye
  • many year fluctuation
  • maximal drain