Irina Uzdenova’s work in the context of the development of modern Karachay-Balkar Russian-language poetry
Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2024. Volume 9. No. 4. pp. 16-26.
Thagazitov Yu. M.
Institute for Humanitarian Studies, Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of RAS
2 Balkarov st.,360002 Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia
Kerimova R. A.*
Institute for Humanitarian Studies, Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of RAS
2 Balkarov st.,360002 Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia
In this article, the work of the modern Karachai poetess Irina Sharafatdinovna Uzdenova is studied for the first time. Particular attention is paid to the aspects of art in the work of I. Uzdenova. The appeal to the sphere of music, painting, architecture creates not only a wide cultural range, but also acts as a meaning- forming basis of the text.In the course of the study, the author’s ideological and cultural ideas in the field of various forms of art objects were revealed. The author’s creative scope is very broad (from impressionist artists to world rulers and cultural figures of the Renaissance). The genre and figurative systems of the writer’s artistic world are characterized by multidimensionality; various reminiscences and allusions reveal the subject-semantic connection with various literary traditions. The analysis of lyrical works made it possible to reveal the fundamental value orientations and moral aspirations of the poet.
- modern literature
- Russian-language poetry
- I. Uzdenova
- Karachay-Balkarian culture
- sonnet
- rondel
- impressionism