Proper names in encyclopedic discourse

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2019. Volume 4. No. 5. pp. 554-557.


Novikova O. N.*
Bashkir State Agrarian University
34 50-letija Оktjabrja Street, 450001 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan


The article is devoted to proper names in the encyclopedic discourse. Today, there many studies on the role of onyms in the organization and functioning of various discourses. The concept of encyclopedic discourse is relatively new, and determining the place of proprietary vocabulary in it seems relevant. The analysis of the articles of the national-regional encyclopedia demonstrates the systemic nature of the onomasticon, allows us to consider the proper name as a specific characteristic of this type of discourse. The prospect of the study is seen in the development of the onymic fractal model of encyclopedic discourse.


  • proper name
  • onym
  • proprietary vocabulary
  • encyclopedia
  • encyclopedic discourse
  • fractal