The peculiarities of English-Russian translinguality (on the material of Russian IT-discourse)

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2022. Volume 7. No. 5. pp. 247-252.


Matveyeva A. A.*
Ufa University of Science and Technologies
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The aim of this article is the investigation of lexical, grammatical and phonetic aspects of English-Russian translingual interrelation on the material of Russian IT-discourse. Linguocultural synergy vs. the uniqueness of language and culture have been defined as the main characteristic features of translingual Russian IT-discourse. Quantitative data in respect of the heteroalphabetical character of Russian IT-discourse as well as its lexical and grammatical hybridization have been given.


  • translinguality
  • IT-discourse
  • hybridization