Professional discourse in the field of medical communication: modern approaches to the study and research prospects

Doklady Bashkirskogo Universiteta. 2024. Volume 9. No. 2. pp. 19-27.


Currently, in modern linguistics, discourse-analysis is actively developing: scientists are particularly interested in active processes at the intersection of different types of discourses, blurring of their boundaries, merging of several subdiscourses, changing of the composition of participants and the list of genres, as well as democratization. These processes are expressed in institutional professional discourses. This article analyzes approaches to the definition of linguistic concepts “discourse” and “professional discourse” on the example of medical sphere of activity, in particular the provision of cosmetology services; it identifies criteria for differentiation of such terms as “discourse”, “virtual discourse” and “professional discourse”. Some aspects of study and analysis of features of informal professional medical vocabulary within cosmetological discourse are considered. The examples of the use of professionalisms, realized in the field of the studied discourse, within the framework of the communication paradigm “professional - professional” and “professional - non-professional” are given. The main purpose of this study is to differentiate the concepts of “discourse” and “professional discourse”, to highlight the problems of studying and defining these terms; to study the interaction between the terms of cosmetological discourse and professional slang of doctors-cosmetologists, its functioning in scientific, virtual and advertising discourses, including social networks and the Internet in general. The topic is relevant due to the fact that in the era of globalization, democratization of hierarchical relations in the team, the increase in the number of employees working remotely, professional communication undergoes tangible changes.The research materials were advertising posts of cosmetology clinics of Ufa, posts on personal pages of cosmetologists and cosmetics-aestheticists, as well as reviews of clients without medical education on the services of cosmetologists.


  • professional discourse
  • medical discourse
  • media
  • official-business style
  • subdiscourse